Spring Cleaning, Tossing, Reorganizing . . .

Spring Cleaning – is a chore but has great rewards (and, it allows me to take down the “Don’t feed the dust bunnies” sign ;-)) What starts out as cleaning up the dust, winter dirt, and areas that have been too cold to clean for months like the garage or the windows usually turns into removal of the junk that has accumulated over time, too. Spring is the most popular time of the year for getting rid of the clutter. Spring newness is a very natural thing to seek when the weight of winter is disappearing … we feel lighter and seek lightness in our lives. 

It requires tossing – whether throwing away for good or tossing into a recycle or give away pile and then reorganizing what remains. Positioning objects differently where they are more convenient, where they look best, or where they give things a fresh new feeling.

And, if you get carried away like I do with the reorganizing stage, you might even end up with more.  I am not exactly sure how that happens, but it usually does for me.  Maybe the reorganizing mode wakes up those creative ideas and the momentum takes you to new places?

My actual heavy-duty Spring house and yard cleaning is going to have to wait until school gets out because I have no free time. However, in the wee hours of the night when I am having trouble sleeping, my blog has been getting some much needed dusting, trash removal, and re-organization. It seems like a good time to eliminate those blogroll links that no longer go anywhere, rearrange a few widgets, put up some new quotes and/or heading pictures, etc…   Those creative ideas that come with cleaning have been flowing and some how, I ended up with a second blog.  Crazy as that sounds (well, maybe only to me as I am the one who is fully aware of how hard it is sometimes to keep up with one blog) I think it will be a good thing.

My second blog is going to be strictly for my woodsy photography.  It is called Bear in Sight and is located at bearyweatherphoto.wordpress.com. It is a place for others to visit my forest for a few minutes, take a deep breath of the clean air, and sometimes read an inspirational quote to go with a picture.  My entries for the photo challenges will be there also so that commenting and sharing will be more convenient (putting them on a separate page of this blog was just not working well at all for comments) I still have some work to do, but it does not feel like work to me, I am thoroughly enjoying the sprucing up and creative process.  

“Keep close to Nature’s heart…and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” ~ John Muir

I hope that you will ignore the clouds of cleaning and construction dust to stop by and visit my new blog.  I promise to watch for you so that you will not get hit with a flying graphic as I throw out the old and bring in the new.

Bear in Mind will remain my home for all of my rambling thoughts and a few photos to go with, just as it has been … Bear in Sight is a simple place to go to see what I see every day … the northern Minnesota woods.

~ by bearyweather on March 31, 2012.

9 Responses to “Spring Cleaning, Tossing, Reorganizing . . .”

  1. Can’t wait to zip over and check out your new blog. I started some spring cleaning inside and then spring came outside and I’ve been working outside every day…I need to do a bit inside soon! Thanks for visiting my new site …

    • I have a long weekend coming up for the holiday, I hope I can get out to start the work then. But, the time is already filling up with other things. A rainy day is a good time to start the indoor work …

  2. Hi Bearyweather, I have been working quite hard recently sprucing up my lake house in preparation to put it on the market for sale. Hard to have two homes and I really am enjoying the little farm. So, yes, cleaning has been the order of the day – yard work, too! I always enjoy your posts. Thoughtful and timely. Have a spectacular Sunday tomorrow!

  3. I am inspired by your spring cleaning, Bearyweather! Looked today at some of those dusty bunnies and oh-so-dirty windows and sighed. Figure that Barry’s recovery from knee surgery will be a good time to work on sprucing things open. Doesn’t it feel good when we go through this annual cleaning? Congratulations on weeding through your blogroll, too. I should do that one of these fine spring days.

    • I need to inspire myself, I have not started the Spring cleaning, yet .. there is no time. However, my blogs are almost done … still some work to do on this home site … photo blog is done for now and working.

      Just 8 more weeks and school is out … I am hoping that I am inspired to tackle all the work with gusto then.

      Yes, things feel great after the big clean … that feeling is the reward. Hope Barry’s surgery goes well.

  4. Ah yes, spring cleaning. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with it this year, starting and then stopping. There are days when I’d like to get rid of everything and start over. 🙂

    Love your new blog and look forward to seeing more sights from your woods.

    • I had planned to do some Spring yard work this weekend but had to put it on hold … we are having freezing temps again and possibility of snow. It is best to leave all the old dried flower growth lying protectively over the new shoots that have started to grow.
      Spring cleaning will only really begin here when Spring arrives … so far, it has just been teasing us.

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